Monday, January 08, 2007


If the proliferation of cook books is anything to go by,
Chefs are the new Rock Stars (was that before or after comedians were/are the new Rock Stars?) . Think Jamie, Maggie, Nigella, Stephanie, Bender and Curtis, Yan, ... etc the list goes on.

As all things must pass, it's nice to know that when these guys have had their run, there's the tried and true, triple-tested 'how to cook absolutely everything' recipes of the Women's Weekly "Cook" to fall back on.

Cook : How To Cook Absolutely Everything
$40 on sale at Borders

Thanks to Eky for sharing this good get!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Creative Gourmet (pronounced: Gore-met) Cranberries post Christmas sale: $2.60 (RRP: $5.99)